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Low Cost Indianapolis Health Insurance Policies
Ed Harris
Indianapolis health insurance rates are extremely affordable compared to other large cities in the US. Low cost plans are available from most Indiana health insurance carriers such as Anthem Blue Cross, Aetna, UnitedHealthcare and Humana. Other smaller companies, including Celtic and Assurant also offer coverage in the Indianapolis area, but rates typically are not as competitive. Celtic’s short term rates are, however, very attractive.
Indiana Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are very popular in Indianapolis. Premiums are much less expensive than traditional health care and this type of coverage provides greater flexibility in managing your health care costs. HSAs allow you to pay for current medical expenses on a tax-free basis. Your contributions are tax-deductible and you decide how your money is used and invested. Qualified dental and vision expenses are also tax-deductible. HSA plans are ideal for individuals and families that utilize preventive benefits but do not otherwise have many health care claims. Traditional PPO Copay plans are also available at very affordable rates for Indiana residents in the Indianapolis area. Most office visits and prescriptions are subject to low copays and preventive benefits such as mammograms, OBGYN visits and routine physicals are provided at little or no out-of-pocket cost. For example, Comprehensive coverage for a healthy family of three (40-year old parents and one child) will cost approximately $340 per month (UnitedHealthCare Copay Select with $5,000 major medical deductible). If the number of covered office visits and prescriptions is reduced, the monthly rate will fall below $300. Naturally, lower deductibles will increase the rate. Typically, the least expensive type of medical coverage is a short-term (temporary) policy. Short-term rates in Indianapolis are often as low as $30-$50 per month (per person), depending upon your age and deductible. Short-term coverage is a perfect fit for students, the unemployed, persons waiting to become eligible for Medicare, seasonal employees or anyone between jobs. Applications are generally approved within two days and it only takes about 15 minutes to complete an application. Most short-term plans can be kept for a maximum of 12 months. Health insurance rates in Indianapolis should continue to remain competitive for many years. When National health care reform is fully implemented in 2014, it is likely that rates will increase. However, families with household incomes of under $88,000 will receive tax credits that will reduce some of the premiums. Families with income close to or above the $88,000 may wish to consider purchasing their health insurance outside of the Health Insurance Exchanges, depending on their health conditions.
Ed Harris is the owner and founder of Indianainsurancehealth.com, the premier resource for
affordable Indiana health insurance coverage. Instantly, you can view, compare and apply online for quality Indiana health care. Indianapolis health insurance rates , along with rates from all other Indiana cities are easily found on the website.
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Low Cost Indianapolis Health Insurance Policies